Friday, March 15, 2024

Classified Documents: a well-meaning forgetful when convenient old man vs. an old cocaine addict diaper shitter lecher tyrant


    My friend Bob, who does the tech work for The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast and my books at the free internet library,, told me this morning of seeing something posted on Reddit yesterday about President Biden not soiling his pants on certain important occasions.

    Bob said that he dug further into online lore and discovered it was a reference to times Donald Trump had shit in his pants on important occasions, one of which was while meeting with the President of Turkey.

    Bob described a press conference Trump gave when he was president, during which he abruptly said he had to take an important phone call and there was the sound of a wet fart and he walked off the stage and left.

    Bob said he found stuff online of someone who worked with Trump on The Celebrity Apprentice TV show, who said Trump used a lot of cocaine cut with Mannitol, which is used as a diuretic to treat kidney failure and as a laxative for babies, long use of which can cause adults to become incontinent. 

    I google-searched “Trump shit his pants” and found:

    Then, Bob sent me this YouTube interview below of the fellow from The Celebrity Apprentice, who details Trump’s cocaine and Adderall addictions, and Trump's incontinence, Trump wears Depend liners and a corset, he has a long strands of hair that he weaves with hair spray, and how he misbehaved in the studio with young women contestants and with his daughter Ivanka, who gave him a lap dance, and who later told him to hold up a Bible in front of St. John’s in Washington, D.C. 
    I think every American, and every person on the planet, should watch this 20-minute interview of someone who knew Donald Trump well.

    I wondered where I was hiding in a cave so that I did not know about all of that until today?

    I wondered why CNN, President Biden and the Democrats aren't slinging that shit show all over the place?

   I wondered if that, and Stormy Daniels and E. Jean Carroll, are why Melania doesn’t live with Trump?

   I wondered how many foreign leaders know about it?

   I wondered how FOX, Republicans and MAGAs, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week and Forbes Magazine spin it?

   I read online yesterday that, when asked if he would debate Trump, who is demanding a debate, President Biden said Trump doesn't behave.

   During their first debate in 2016, hosted by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Trump kept interrupting and talking over Biden, and kept interrupting and talking over Blitzer, and I wanted to blitz Blizter for not turning off Trump’s mic.

  During the New York civil prosecution of Trump’s companies for overstating their assets to get favorable low interest loans for lucrative investments, Justice Arthur F. Engoron could not get Trump to shut up. 

    If I were President Biden, I would tell Trump that he is still throwing tantrums and shitting in his diapers and presidential debates are for grown ups, and I would give Trump and Wolf Blizer links to the above Instagram and YouTube videos, and I would call a press conference and recount all of that to the journalists and give them the links.

    Shifting gears, after watching President Biden’s State of the Union Address, which I reported in the state of the plagued union America post, I watched some of Alabama’s junior U.S. Senator Katie Britt's rebuttle on behalf of the Republican Party. When Britt lamented an illegal immigrant sexually assaulting a woman and how terribly that had affected her, I wondered how terribly affected she was over Trump bragging about being able to get away with grabbing women's pussies because he was a celebrity, and how that played in the minds of the E. Jean Carroll v. Donald Trump New York state court jury, which found Trump guilty of sexually assaulting Carroll?
    On CNN yesterday morning, I watched about an hour of Special Prosecutor Robert Hur, who has a stellar record as a federal prosecutor, and is a natural born citizen son of Korean Immigrants, and a registered Republican, who speaks English better than President Biden, Donald Trump and myself, be quizzed, insulted and lambasted by Republicans in Congress for his decision not to prosecute President Biden for hanging onto classified documents after he was Vice President under President Barack Obama, because Biden was a well-meaning, forgetful old man a jury probably would sympathize with and not convict. 

    The Republicans got Hur to say, yes, there was a tape recording of Biden telling a ghostwriter that he had only recently discovered he had a lot of classified documents, but when later asked about that by Hur, Biden said he did not remember saying that to the ghostwriter. 

    Having recently watched Biden speak for 70 minutes in his State of the Union Address to Congress, demonstrating terrific cognitive function and memory for an 81-year-old man, which is my age, I concluded Biden had lied to Hur, and I wished the Republicans had told Hur that in plain English, and that he should indict and prosecute Biden, so that Donald Trump cannot claim Special Prosecutor Jack Smith's classified documents prosecution case against Trump is political and deprives him of equal protection under the laws, and perhaps Hur then would have coughed up that, well, in truth, the U.S. Department of Justice has a longstanding policy of not prosecuting sitting presidents.

    When Democrats in Congress expressed outrage that Hur played politics by besmirching Biden’s state of mind by calling him forgetful. I thought they ignored that Biden proved in his State of the Union Address that he is sharp as a tack mentally and thus he had lied to Hur about not remembering what he told the ghostwriter, and but for the Department of Justice’s policy of not prosecuting sitting presidents, Hur should indict and prosecute Biden.

    I agreed with Hur, that when confronted by federal authorities, Biden cooperated fully with finding and returning a whole not of classified documents in his possession, including a lot of his own handwritten notes, whereas when confronted by federal authorities, Trump did not cooperate and did plenty to try to prevent turning over the classified documents, some of which he had shared with other people to impress them.

     As a former law clerk to a United States District Judge who presided over every criminal prosecution in North Alabama, and as a former practicing attorney and political Independent, I say nobody is above the law and screw the Department of Justice’s policy of not prosecuting a sitting president who has committed a federal crime. Trump and Biden both should be prosecuted for mishandling classified documents, and both should be barred from being president again because of mishandling classified documents. 

    As for their criminal punishment, the federal sentencing guidelines require federal judges to be harsher on Trump than on Biden, because Biden cooperated and Trump did not.

    To wind up today’s post, a poem emailed to me last night by an old lawyer I met in Jack Flats Sports Bar in West, where we had many conversations over several years’ time. I emailed him back, that his poem is lovely. I think his poem pretty well sums up what has happened to America, and it should be read each day Congress is in session.


I can’t remember when or how 
I don’t recall the day. 
We’ll say it was a while ago. 
About the time the handshake died 
along with plain fairplay.  
And somewhere right about that time, 
Sweetness lost her way. 

Oh, you’re right to ask about Sweetness. 
You likely never knew her, not at all. 

She was the milkman’s deft delivery 
in the quiet before dawn 
when he knew how much my working dad 
needed that extra hour. 

The kid who’d fight for a ball or strike 
and skin a fist or break a tooth 
yet straggling hurt on his way home 
would guard a busy crossing 
for an old one that he didn’t know – not at all. 

She held the door and so much more 
I can’t begin to tell you. 
She’d smile and wait her turn in line 
and never butt or push or gripe. 

You never knew her.  

Each year she’d ring the kettle’s bell 
At Christmas for the Army 
They passed her by; some scoffed (and worse); 
Sweetness just smiled and rang the bell.

I saw her headed down the way  
and caught a sudden chilly fear 
the kind you feel when death is near. 
I tried to cry – my throat was dry; 
then screamed from dreamy half-sleep 
and saw the bleary image of her ghost, 
as she trudged a slow but steady pace; 
As though she knew her time and place, in this space, 
was gone. 

She was right.  

Gentility in business life has long since been forgotten.  
Get out, old man; we’ll through your ass beneath our bus! 
What’s mine is mine and yours is ours. 
No time to teach or lend or mend or care or heal. 
Just close the deal! 

Day to day, it’s much the same. 
Love thy neighbor? – play a game? 
Tell me who upon your street 
You know by name to stop and greet.  
Remember in our parents’ time? 
Sweetness can recall. 

Sweetness isn’t lost at all; 
It’s us. Yes, you and me. 
We’ve lost our common kindness 
Our patience and forgiveness; 
Our habit just to smile and stop and ask; 
“How are you?” 
And mean it. 

Replace the misdelivered mail
as if it weren’t a chore. 
Or chase the next-door neighbor’s dog 
and gently take her home, snuggled safely in your arms. 

Oh yes; Sweetness is out there, somewhere, I guess. 
Rueful smile and gleasoning tear. 
Mostly sickened to the core. 

But lost? 

“Aw nawsur, Miss Sweetness? She ain’t lost. 
She just don’t live here anymore.” 

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