Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Hey American religious right, who do you prefer, Adolph or Vladimir Trump?



From down in Floriduh where the orange beast lives...

My Two Senses

It’s Like Déjà Vu All Over Again.

It’s time to consider the ugly realities of 2024

MAR 11, 2024

The 1/6 2021 Capital Insurrection was only a botched trial run on disrupting and overturning the election to install Trump. These methods are being honed and expanded for 2024.

Barring Trump or Biden (or even both) having a fatal stroke we can now suffer months of angst in the run up of a Biden v. Trump 2024 Presidential Election rematch. 

Trump and his minions are salivating over the prospect of a victory, one in which Trump becomes “Dictator for a day” minutes after taking the oath of office. Former Sen. Liz Cheney (R) accurately warned on Dec. 4th of this year that Trump’s “Dictator for a day” is a dog whistle, assuring his base that he fully intends to take authoritarian hold of the government and “never leave.” Suffice it to say that Trump always tells us exactly what he intends to do.

The vision of Trump as a de-facto Dictator is relished by his base. In the innocuously titled 950 page “2025 Plan” of the far right Heritage Foundation “Day One” launches an array of highly detailed actions and policies that will eviscerate the upper echelons of the military, as well the purging of some 50,000 career civil servants. The summarily fired employees will immediately be replaced by politically vetted Trumpista loyalists. Most of these moves are aimed at the eradication of Federal agencies. This fifth column cadre will continue to erode if not destroy what is left of many agencies and their mandate to serve the America people.

Another aspect of “Day One” is found in the seemingly innocuous term, “The Unitary Executive.” This theory argues that there is constitutional law in which the President holds total power over all government agencies, as well as Congress and the Courts. There has never been a President in our history with this kind of power. In actuality such persons have been historically defined as dictators or authoritarians. The Unitary Executive creates a leader with a rubber-stamp government, providing only the illusion of a democratic governmental structure. There are no checks and balances, only a government that consistently aligns with the leader’s agenda.

Trump’s Ace In the Hole: National Emergency

Most Americans don’t grasp how close Trump came to declaring a state of martial law on Jan 6, 2021. The national emergency would only end when Trump decides to end it. This is what Gen. Milley was referencing in Trump’s attempt to realize a “Reichstag Moment.“ Milley was alluding to a time when in Februrary of 1933 the building housing the German Parliament was burnt to the ground in the early days of Hitler’s Nazi Regime. Hitler, blaming the Communists, invoked the “Enabling Acts”, granting him extraordinary powers. Ironically the very laws the Fascist employed were created by the recently dismantled Weimar Republic in a vain attempt to quell violence and insurrection from Communists and Fascist political factions.

After declaring a state of emergency, Hitler assumed complete control of the government with an iron fist, making the Nazis the only legal party, while arresting and incarcerating thousands in concentration camps. He also shut down press outlets that did not parrot the Nazi view. The “State of Emergency” remained in Germany ending in 1945 when Hitler’s charred remains were found outside his Berlin bunker and after an estimated 65 million people world wide were dead.

Today the parallel form of laws the U.S. has to deal with national emergencies are referred to as PEADs (Presidential Emergency Action Documents). Since the attacks of 9/11, Congress has embedded numerous provisions into law that can be invoked by the Executive to meet threats to our nation in what he/she deems a state of Emergency.

According to Andrew Cockburn of Harper’s Magazine in his November 2020, article The Enemies Briefcase, these documents include: suspending habeas corpus, seizing control of the internet, imposing censorship, and incarcerating so called subversives. Among other repressive measures are suspension of a free press, mass arrest and detention without trial. 

It will be years in the future before we have real insight on how people in the Pentagon, and possibly Trump’s own White House, foiled Trump activating a state of national emergency in the January 6th insurrection, but the known and documented actions of Mike Pence and Gen. Milley give us a pretty clear insight on just how close we were to a Trump dictatorship. 

Trump’s Fellow Travelers: Who Are They and What Do They Believe? 

The growth of a Christo Fascist belief system known as “Christian Nationalism” has accelerated greatly since Bush Jr. courted and embraced the support of White Evangelicals in his run for President. Today Evangelical support has elevated Trump as literally being chosen by God to fulfill their mission of returning the nation to the rule to a specific sect of Christianity. One that sees Trump as a sign of Millennialist End Times prophecies including the Rapture and of course Christ’s return to annihilate all non-believers.

According to The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), Christians who identify as born-again or evangelical are each about five times as likely to be Christian Nationalist adherents as members of the same racial or ethnic groups who identify as Christian but not as Evangelical.

According to WAPO on the recent primaries and recent PRRI polls and research,  Trumps base incudes:

  • 36% over the age of 65

  • 37% are under 50

  • 52% identify as very Conservative

  • 46% are women (who have previously supported Trump)

  • White Evangelicals who flock to him (70% according to data from PRRI)

  • 71%  of White Evangelical Christian Nationalists embrace “Replacement Theory”

  • Close to 70% agree that the man is the head of the household, with a wife who submits to his leadership

More Than Simple Opinions

The propensity of Evangelical Christian Nationalists to incorporate or append a host of Fascist ideologies into their dogma is well supported by research polling. 

We know from history and research that : “Replacement Theory”  is a belief held in racial supremacy, and it is supported by Christian Nationalists. According to PRRI 55% believe that immigrants are invading the U.S. and are “replacing our cultural and ethnic background.” They hold that women should be submissive to husbands. This is practice that further fuels and supports misogyny. These belief are all part of the Christian Nationalist religious world view.

That millions of Americans today see these belief as sanctioned a God and that he chose Donald Trump to realize his “plan” forecasts serious consequences for our Democratic Republic.

When People Know God Sanctions Their Beliefs, Bad Things Are Sure to Follow

If Biden wins:

A repeat of election denial with likely armed terrorism and insurrectionist assaults on Federal and State levels. January 6th insurrectionist activity will ratchet up on a nationwide scale, involving assaults on State Legislatures.

If Trump wins:

Instead of a focus on the real challenges we face in creating an egalitarian society that tackles issues like universal health care, free education, and never ending imperialistic warfare, much less saving ourselves from climate change; will be consumed by holding off a Fascist State.

Trump will initiate the 2025 Plan of the Heritage Foundation inevitably leading to protests by Democrats and/or Democracy supporters in the streets. The ensuing violence (fomented by Trump agent provocateurs posing as and/or blaming Antifa) will provide the pretext for Trump’s declaration of a National State of Emergency.

That’s when our long national nightmare truly begins. 

Sloan BashinskySloan’s Newsletter
I think you nailed it and now remains which apocalypse dystopia the 2024 presidential election delivers. 
I think it was in 2016 that I first learned of the Vanity Fair interview of Ivana Trump, who was quoted saying, when she was married to Donald, he kept a book of Hitler’s speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed and sometimes he read it at night.
A fellow named Trevor Ravenscroft explained in his book, The Spear of Destiny, how a powerful demon infiltrated Adolph Hitler and enhancehim, and did the same to Hitler's inner circle, and infiltrated most of the German population. Deja vu in America today. 
I am pretty sure a demon also is working on Biden, back up plan, but he has a ways to go to remind us of Hitler. 

Ol’ Flawriduh Cracker
Sloan, reference Hitler being infiltrated. Let’s just assume that anti-Semitism throughout Europe including Germany, England, Russia and France was always there. Ironically, it is mindset that crosses class distinction. Thus a loser street person like Hitler, could share a united bigotry with Richard Wagner and Henry Ford Sr.
Trump discovered, as Hitler had previously, that many people found genuine excitement and satisfaction in a personality that would say the things in open forums that they were to fearful of saying unless it was in the confines of close friends. One reason there are so many Trump wannabes is that once they realize they will not be financially or physically punished and that literally millions feel as they do, then it like a hit of cocaine.
Biden on the other hand is more concerned with a pretty much post WWII vision of America. America as a positive engine with a robust economy, with a well meshed safety net, and supportive of the plight of others throughout the world living under tyranny. America as the “Good Guy.” It’s a story we tell ourselves to avoid the sausage making details on how we make the world safe for large scale corporations, as we spread democracy to people who for the most part live in tribal societies whose “government” seldom goes beyond that of a village chief. I suppose you could describe this as many have as “Pax Americana.”
Hitler for me is proof that charismatic leaders and their minions are cults that get quickly out of control, usually under the quest for a mythic past that never existed.
Love you Sloan, but sometimes your “spirituality” is kinda spooky.  

Sloan Bashinsky 
Heck, God is kinda spooky and Trump and his hordes seem to have forgotten that passage in the Old Testament about fear of the Lord being the beginning of wisdom. I think you summed up America pretty well.
Ol’ Flawriduh Cracker
It is clearly disturbing how many people find a uniting of motives between a Fascist Trump and a Centrist Biden.
There is plenty to improve and fix even running a nation within say the vision of Republicans in the Eisenhower era, who saw FDR as a genuine threat to the dream of rampant Capitalism as a normal state of a free economy.
I just hope we can push the Fascist back far enough to regain footing for making a better society before we end up setting the table for Techno Feudalsim
Thanks for comments! 

Sloan Bashinsky
Trump woke up and energized what was always there. This is obvious to me, who was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. The Klan, the South, the Christian crusaders, have risen again, and they love Trump, even though he is a spoiled New York trust fund brat, debt welcher, adulterer, pussy grabber, who brags about it, who dodged the draft and bowed to the Saudi prince who had a journalist chopped up into little pieces, and got bailed out financially 3 times by Saudi Arabia. What’s happening in America is similar to what has happened in Palestine and the Middle East. What’s happening in America is right wing religious fanatics vs. everyone else, and what’s amazing is, Trump has never pretended to be religious, but he knows how to wind them up and pull their strings, and in that sense he is their Adolph Hitler.


Lisa J Miller
There is NO comparison between Biden and Trump. None. One cares about America and keeping our Democracy and the other does not. Freedom vs. Fascism. That's our very stark choice in November.  

Sloan Bashinsky 
Trump is a monster becoming more monstrous, and he has a huge following. Unlike 1930s Germany, where Hitler became messianic, well over half of Americans do not view Trump as their messiah. If Trump loses in November, it may well get very nasty, but Biden, if he is president and still lives, or Harris, probably will have the Generals and Admirals on their side, and perhaps the national guards. However, if Trump wins in November, and he tries to do what Putin did in Russia, will the Generals and Admirals stop him? 
Ol’ Flawriduh Cracker
In looking at some pretty reliable stats on gun ownership it appears that the ratio of gun ownership between Rep and Dem is 2 to 1 for Reps. I think collectively they are far more comfortable with violence.
I might add that Hitler’s Nazi party did quite poorly for several elections and then had massive and sudden acceleration. So, in our situation the Independents (40%) provide that grist.
I can also assure you that the military (conservative by nature) is rife with Christian Nationalists and far right types. Whether they can be promoted in rank by a victorious Trump remains to be seen.

Sloan Bashinsky
You are correct that the military has many Trumpers, and we don’t see that being discussed on CNN or even on FOX. As for private gun ownership, I think the left is starting to catch up, but it still has a ways to go. Who has White House and can replace department heads and fire Generals and Admirals has a great deal of power. If you look a film footage and photos of MAGA rallies, Jan 6 mob, Charlottesville Confederate monuments removal protest, you see lots of white people. Res ipsa loquitur, the thing speaks for itself. 
Lisa J Miller
That's a very good question. Many of the Evangelicals do believe he is the "chosen one" and is sent by God so we can't forget that. I was talking with my Dr. about all of this and he says the Generals would not go along with Trump but we can't forget the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers etc. Also the 12,000,000 supporters (they estimate) who would not hesitate to do violence on his behalf. Any way you look at it it's going to be a roller coaster ride. Buckle up. 

Ol’ Flawriduh Cracker
These 12 million are a vital tool for Trump. He can use them as his Brownshirts or as agent provocateurs or both to justify them as “good people” or to declare martial law… Either way, it does not bode well.

Sloan Bashinsky
I think it helps to view Trump and his various legions are a religion and he is their high priest, ayatollah, etc. They remind me a lot of radical Islam, and of what happened in Germany leading up to World War II. They are certain they are right, and God is with them all the way, and they cannot be persuaded otherwise, and if you get in their faces about it, there is no telling how they might respond. Death by stroke, which might or might not be viewed as Act of God or assassination by Trump’s legions, might be the America’s best hope.
If Trump gets back in the White House, they will be his brownshirts. How the different branches of the federal government might deal with that cannot be predicted, but I hope the military does not cave. 
The Supreme Court is paving the way for Trump and his legions to take control of the federal government and public schools and even people’s bedrooms. 
You might wish to read my post about the Supreme Court ruling Amendment 14, Section 3 cannot be enforced by the states, but the Supreme Court could have enforced it, but all 9 justices declined, and 5 of the Republicans said only Congress can enforce 14/3. Here’s a link. I’m a lawyer, I clerked for a US District Judge.  


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