Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A mockingbird was told, “You cannot do this work correctly if you are looking to get anything back from the people you are trying to help"

    Last night, I dreamed of being involved in something, and someone said Caitlin was coming around and some people had interrupted it. I woke up wondering what that could be about? 

    Lying in bed and using my I-Phone, I went online and found this at caitlinjohnstone.com.eu :

November  23, 2023

Welcome! This is a temporary Caitlin Johnstone website. Our former website which resides at caitlinjohnstone.com was plagued with spam bots and we had to ditch it for the time being and set up camp here. 

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Cons – The fees are very high. Approximately 10 percent of each payment goes to bank fees and Patreon’s own fees. Patreon also can pull the plug on us at any time for wrongthink, as they have done already with some other content creators. 

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Cons – For anyone outside Australia it can be a bit fiddly to work out how to send money overseas.

Caitlin Johnstone
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Pros – Tried and tested.
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Contact: admin @ caitlinjohnstone. com

Read on for more about us and what we’re about…

What My Little Project Here Is All About

In short, what you read in this space is an ongoing collaboration between myself (Australian) and my husband Tim Foley (American) geared toward awakening human consciousness and drawing humanity into my understanding of what a healthy world would look like. All the articles, essays, poems and notes you read here are pointed toward that agenda.

When asked to describe this project I often say “I write about the end of illusions,” because from my point of view all of the major problems our species now faces are born of a misperception of what’s really happening. On a collective level human behavior is being driven by propaganda and the systems it manufactures consent for, and on an individual level we’re being driven by the delusion of ego. From my point of view it’s all just illusion, so I frequently swing in and out discussing illusion’s large- and small-scale manifestations without breaking them up too much; that’s why you’ll see commentary on mass media manipulations intermingled with what look like spiritual or philosophical observations, often in the same essay. For me it’s all one issue.

I see illusions as the only obstacle to the creation of a healthy world, which in my view would look like a movement from the competition-based models of capitalism, militarism, imperialism and domination to collaboration-based models where all humans work in cooperation with each other and with our ecosystem toward the common good of all beings. The only things preventing that movement are the large-scale illusions that our rulers have been indoctrinating us with since birth about what’s real and what’s possible, as well as the small-scale illusions of ego and separation which keep us enslaved to fear, greed, and unconscious reactivity.

The prospect of a large-scale awakening of human consciousness and radical transformation of the way humans behave on this planet may sound lofty and impractical, but the way I see it our species has trapped itself in a situation where that will either happen or we’ll go the way of the dinosaur. Every species eventually hits a point where it either adapts to changing situations or goes extinct, and as we accelerate toward nuclear war and the destruction of our biosphere it seems fair to say that that crucial juncture is upon homo sapiens now.

In my analysis I’ve been focusing a lot on the US government and the empire-like international cluster of allies, partners and assets structured around it, not because it’s the only evil in our world but because at this point in history it is the driving force behind the lion’s share of humanity’s troubles. The US-centralized empire is ramping up aggressions against Russia and China simultaneously and working to destroy any nation which resists its goals of global conquest, all while using its military and economic might and the most powerful propaganda machine ever devised to coerce humanity into moving in ways that don’t serve ordinary people.

Because the US propaganda machine is so immensely powerful, my forceful criticisms of the empire are often met with shock and suspicion by the many people who’ve been indoctrinated by it. Online vitriol is my constant companion, and I’ve been accused of being a secret agent for every US-targeted nation in the world. I guess it’s probably worth mentioning that I have never worked for or been paid by any government of any kind; some people think I’ve written for RT, but in reality RT is just one of the many outlets who’ve occasionally chosen on their own to republish my work as part of my longstanding open invitation for anyone who wishes to to use my work for free.

My funding comes entirely from people who read and enjoy my work. I’ve actually got a very interesting system for making a living doing what I do where all the financial support I receive comes my way totally unconditionally from the goodwill of my readers. Because everything I write is available to read for free (even my books come in pay-what-you-want PDF versions and consist entirely of material that’s freely available online), they’re not purchasing anything from me or expecting to receive anything in return for their gift; they’re supporting my work solely because that’s what they want to do. This gift economy-based model of survival where everyone gets to read and use all my work for free is one of the ways I try to walk my talk in the way I live on this earth, and lets me be my own kind of living sigil for the direction I’d like to see the world take.

This has been a wild and amazing adventure, and I am so grateful for everyone who has made it possible over the years, either with funding, or with likes and shares on social media, or by pointing friends and family to this little space here. I can safely promise that I will continue fighting the machine as hard as I can and pulling the steering wheel toward truth and health for as long as that’s what people want me to do. I sincerely believe we can win this thing, and I feel truly blessed to get to spend my time pouring my own small portion of humanity into serving that objective.

Thank you all so much. 

    I commented under many of Caitlin’s posts about the war in Gaza. I agreed with Caitlin about Israel and America, but every time I said Hamas hoped its October 7, 2023 attack in Israel would provoke Israel to respond in the way it did in Gaza, to turn the world against Israel and its benefactor America, I got back unfriendly comments from Caitlin’s readers. Although Caitlin sometimes replied to readers who praised her, she never replied to me. One reader told me that one of Caitlin’s Gaza posts was aimed directly at me, and I thought the reader might be correct, and I thought other of Caitlin’s Gaza posts might be aimed directly at me. I wondered out loud in a couple of my comments, if Caitlin was on Hamas’s payroll?

    I’ve been going against the status quo grain since late in my law practice in Birmingham, Alabama, ending 1985, not making any money at it, but doing it because I felt it was what I needed to do. In early 1987, angels known in the Bible got ahold of me and started turning me inside out and upside down and every which a way but loose, and stood me before endless mirrors, even as they kept me going against the status quo grain and not making any money at it.

     In 1993, this came to me from out of the blue, when I lived in Boulder, Colorado:

God’s gifts are not for sale, but are freely given to angels, saints, sinners, devils and fools alike, for all are God’s children.

    In the spring of 2001, as I wrote the novel HEAVY WAIT: A Strange Tale about as fast as I could type it, I was told in my sleep , “You cannot do this work correctly if you are looking to get anything back from the people you are trying to help.

    The next night, the voice told me in my sleep, “You are going back into a prison where you once lived to try to help other people still living there." I saw myself inside of a facility, and there were quite a few men and women in there, around my age or younger, dressed casually, wandering around, and off to my right I saw a way out of there and knew I would not use it until I had permission to use it.

    I began to have a lot of dealings with people I had not known, who did not attend church, and also with people who attended church. It has been that way ever since. All along, I was against the grain, the minority report.

     I tried several times to help my blogs, which had good reader numbers, generate donations via PayPal, but very little money came in and I stopped trying to make money in that way. 

    A fellow named “Bob" showed up out of the blue in early 2017, and we started getting to know each other and running against the grain white water rivers together.

    A small inheritance from my father in 2017 stopped me from being homeless, and a large inheritance from him in 2020 allowed the following to happen.

    Bob created the Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, which is free, does not solicit, and contains no advertising.

     Bob put into free internet library, archive.org, my non-fiction metaphysical books and the novels HEAVY WAIT: A Strange Tale (2001), and its sequel, RETURN OF THE STRANGE (2023), and my first novel, KUNDALINA, ALABAMA (1992), which are extremely wild rides, and not entirely all made up.

    All needed to read those books is a smart phone, tablet, or laptop or desktop computer. Kindle and Nook readers also work. Go to archive.org and type Sloan Bashinsky in the search space and press Enter and all of those books will come up and can be opened and read by clicking on their icons.

    Thanks Bob, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world watch each episode of The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast on YouTube and Torrent platforms, and thousands of people all over the world per month read my books at archive.org, for free.

    I get almost no feedback from people who watch the podcasts and read the books. I got almost no feedback from people who read the blogs when I lived in Key West. I can imagine that all of the above was forecasted by a poem that up and flew out of me in 1992, in Boulder.

"The Mockingbird”

I happened upon a mockingbird
singing its fool head off –
I asked it how and why it sang?
But all it did was look ahead,
all it did was sing.
It never turned to see if I was watching,
or listened for money jingling in my pockets,
or asked if I liked its music,
or expected a recording contract –
It was too busy singing
to pay any attention to me.
Thus did I learn
the greatest sin of all
is to kill a mockingbird.

    Birmingham is infested with mockingbirds, as is Key West. As is Tortola, in the BVI, which I discovered after being sent there for a while in 1996. As is Isla Mujeres, Mexico, which I discovered after being sent there for a while in 1999. 

    There were no mockingbirds in Boulder, but I did see a lot of magpies. 

    I saw no mockingbirds in Helen, Georgia where HEAVY WAIT leaped out of me in 2001 and A FEW REMARKABLE ALABAMA PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN up and flew out of me in 2004, a free read at archive.org.

    I saw no mockingbirds when I was in Australia in the fall of 1995, but a male and a female aborigine living in the old way came to me out of dreamtime and welcomed me into their tribe.

    I checked out Caitlin Johnstone’s Substack post today and here is the lead and a link to the whole thing.


“Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face.”

That’s the constant message we’re getting from the dominant institutions in this present-day dystopia. From our news media. From our political parties. From our government. From our mainstream culture of diversion and superficiality.


    Here is my comment to Caitlin, followed by back and forth with one of her regular readers, with whom I have had many discussions. Aron Bushnel was a U.S. soldier who set himself on fire in front of Israel’s embassy in Washington, D.C. to protest what Israel, with President Biden and Congress and America’s help, is doing in Gaza.

Sloan Bashinsky
You wrote a while back, "Aaron Bushnell wasn't addressing the Israeli government with his soul-jarring message. He wasn't even addressing his own government. He was addressing you. Each of us. His goal was to get us all to open our eyes to the horror of what's happening, and spur us to action to end it.” 
I wondered if you and your readers would be spurred to do what Bushnell did? 
As for yours today.
Every day lately on CNN and other American TV news stations, and in my Yahoo and Apple newsfeeds, I see reports about the carnage in Gaza and President Biden and Vice-President Harris trying to get a ceasefire, and Hamas and Israel are not agreeing to anything. 
In my social circles, I don’t hear anyone talking about it voluntarily. 
I imagine the Democrats don’t want to talk about it, because their president is saying he doesn’t like the carnage in Gaza, but he keeps giving Israel money and arms? 
I suppose the Republicans and the MAGAs aren’t talking about it, because they hope Israel destroys Hamas, and then Israel destroys Hezbollah, and then Israel destroys Iran, and they resent Biden acting like what they think Trump would act if he were president?
I talked today with a Jewish friend, who, like me, is a retired lawyer, and unlike me, he defends Trump pretty much all the way. 
He said he thinks the way to stop the carnage in Gaza is for Hamas to agree to return all of the October 7 hostages and Hamas and Israel agree to stop fighting until one of them starts fighting again. I said I agreed with him.
However, from all I have seen in the news since October 7 of last year, Hamas insists on swapping its October 7 hostages for the several thousand Palestinian prisoners in Israel prisons and jails, which causes me to think those prisoners are far more important to Hamas than the living, wounded and dead civilians in Gaza, and that those prisoners are members of Hamas.
I am not encouraged that there will be peace in Gaza, because I don’t think that is what Hamas wants, and I doubt that is what the men running Israel want either. 
So, back to Bushnell. Why haven’t you and your readers followed his lead, hoping that will stop the carnage in Gaza?

"Sloan", where've you been? 😳 And no, I didn't read what you wrote. 😉

Sloan Bashinsky
I’ve been doing other things than read Caitlin and Chris Hedges, but in a dream around dawn this morning, I was with some people and someone said Caitlin was coming around and some people got in the way, so on waking, I wondered if the dream was a prank, or a test, and I thought about it all day and decided to read what she posted today, and then I wrote the comment you didn’t read, which was for Caitlin and her readers who seem in lockstep with her about what’s going on in Gaza, starting October 7 last year, which was my 81st birthday, which I knew meant I would be writing about it.

"starting October 7 last year, which was my 81st birthday" - 😳 You should have stated beforehand you knew more about Oct 7 than most other people. No wonder this forum was confused as to where you were coming from.
That said, you should dump your dreams. They prove useless.

Sloan Bashinsky
My dreams always are about something I am dealing with in my so-called waking life, or soon will be dealing with. It has been that way since early 1987, my 45th year. 
There was nothing to be confused about. I wrote in plain English what the October 7 raid was about from Hamas’ standpoint, and nobody at Hedges and Caitlin’s places wanted to hear it. 
The World Court figured it out, and that’s why it cut the baby in half.
Reading Caitlin and Hedges is like being in a kindergarten full of abused children, who never heard of projection and looking in the mirror at what their buttons getting punched really is about. In the killed, wounded, living people of Gaza, Caitlin and her devotees see themselves unawares, and that’s why they do not see what Hamas has done and really is. A monstrous abusive parent.
The war in Gaza is the work of the Devil, literally, and both sides are working for the Devil. President Biden helping Israel is working for the Devil. America helping Israel is working for the Devil. Defending either Hamas or Israel is working for the Devil.


"There was nothing to be confused about" - well, there was. I don't believe prior to today you ever mentioned it was your birthday. To me, at least, that explains your obsession.
And I haven't read the rest of your response.

Sloan Bashinsky
No obsession, simply a signal from what I was raised to call God, but I’m not stuck on a name, that I was going to be working in that arena, which sort of thing dates back to early 1987, when everything changed in a few seconds, and my life started over. I wrote thousands of pages about it at blogs and in books, and I can’t prove any of it, nor can anyone disprove any of it. That’s where I’m coming from in everything I get involved in. You seem to think you are clever and very smart, and you may be, but you are not nearly as clever and smart as you think you are. But perhaps someday you will meet up with what met up with me and your view of yourself and everything else will change regardless of how you think or feel about it.

"You seem to think you are clever and very smart" - that has never been my intention as I'm with you on what you refer as "I was raised to call God". I totally agree with your "you are not nearly as clever and smart as you think you are" in that it applies to everybody, including me. I just poke you on your obsession, even if you object to calling it such, as you seem to stubbornly object to taking a wider look.
Anyway, I wish you could get a better answer from somebody in this forum as I'm certainly unable to provide it or contribute to obtaining it. I wish you luck, sincerely.

Sloan Bashinsky
Heh, I was perfectly happy to never read Caitlin again, but something a lot bigger and smarter than me wasn’t content with it. Maybe someday that something will call on you. Maybe someday it will call on Caitlin. If it does, it’s all over but the shouting :-)


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      Ok, youngugs, ole Grandfossils' not sure how to wrap up all of these tales- perhaps I begin with something beautiful and raw from ...