Okay, younguns-
Of late, I took to telling some people I know pretty well that the only way to get to know me, other than living with me, is to read my novels at the free internet library, archive.org. Enter “Sloan Bashinsky” into the search space, and icon links for Kundalina, Alabama: A Strange Tale, Heavy Wait: A Strange Tale, and Return of the Strange will come up to be read on any internet device.
However, that is not entirely true.
My poetry is another way.
Erik Rittenberry, who publishes Poetic Outlaws, where truth, beauty and love often show up, posted this below today, and something got into me.
The Ultimate Return
In the early dark before dawn I awake with a dreary feeling of death dripping from my eyelids. I sit up in bed and listen to the echoes of oblivion haunt my room. The emptiness of 4am streetlights stream into my dreams. The euphoric caress of madness. A poignant premonition of the inevitable. All my yesterdays converge into the nothingness I am at this moment. You poor sap, where have the days gone? What have you done? Why does it ache so much to be a finite creature in an infinite universe? So much of our passing lives are spent drifting along on the surface of our everyday consciousness hiding behind the social mask, too frightened to take the necessary plunge into the abyss of ourselves. The banality of the hours becomes the banality of life. I’m neither happy nor sad because it’s all too senseless to be either. Sauntering through this bureaucratic age of death and sterility with a marred mind and heedful eyes, I bleed alone with a half-smile on my aging face wondering how long I can keep the wolf of insignificance at bay. Gazing into the bathroom mirror has become too much to bear. The fierce thirst I once had for the elixir of life has waned. I’ve grown weary of the fight against the ways of the world, the moral demands, the normalcy of the façade, the binding ties of obligations, the tribal feuds, the pathetic protocols of the unlived, the unpoetic masses with their unpleasant pettiness, tired of the endless pursuit of illusions in an effort to tongue kiss the elusive lips of immortality. Our pursuits our actions our tedious haste are nothing more than anxious attempts to escape the torments of our finite presence. An escape from the awareness of the brevity of life. We spend our days trying to get somewhere but there’s nowhere to get to. We dilute the experience of the moment with a false sense of hope and a laborious longing for a resolution that never comes. In spite of all the “truth” and “reason” in this vulgar world, we know very little. Yet, it’s the unknowable that holds the treasure we seek — the darkness, the seat of the soul that we’re too afraid to explore and coalesce with the light of our consciousness. Perhaps it’s a romantic deception, but I believe in that unattended darkness within. There’s a mysterious current guiding our lives. I’ve felt its presence all my days — an ethereal force, an unrest, a transcendent whisper — that forbidden fruit dangling from the primordial tree of our inner garden. I don’t know what to make of it. The Upanishads tell us: The Self, though hidden in all beings, does not shine forth but can be seen by those subtle seers, through their sharp and subtle intelligence. The Greeks called it the daemon, the genius, the guardian. We all harbor it in the obscure regions of our inner life. Yet, society and its godlike institutions try to snuff it out in our youth, this hidden power within us, and they never stop. They try to school it out of us; they try to preach and pray it out of us. They throw the heavy nets of “social duty” upon us. They’ll even attempt to subdue this vital force with pharmaceuticals and therapy to help guide you away from its potent influence. They need you to become like the rest; mechanical, obedient, chained to your social role. But for some people, this force is too strong to be tamed or throttled back. It wants to be heard and to throw off the shackles of the life-denying demands of the status quo. To flip over the tables of conventionality. To obey its own laws. Our bodies are the mere instrument of this deeper force. Through it all, I kept that dark guardian in there, tucked back in the shadows, revealing no signs to the external world of its eternal influence. At times, when I’m alone, it emerges from the immortal sea of the unconscious and yanks me from clutches of the profane and into an erotic aloofness where the illusions fade and the boundaries disintegrate and the desire for mortal gain dissolves. Though I do not know how I got here, or what it all means, I know that the same hidden force which has carried me to this moment will also guide me to that imperishable hour we call fate. And I will doff the gross garments of a false existence and ascend that sanctified mountain, emancipated at last from the lifeless stone of reality, reborn into the eternal realm of celestial vistas and enchanted gardens, a place beyond the illusions of opposites, where the struggle between life and death, dark and light, heaven and hell finally subsides, and a radical unification of mind, body, and soul ensues, and I will dance that Dionysian dance on the other side of the veil where flower-haired nymphs’ bathe in misty morning ponds, and the water lilies are forever in bloom, and the lush, streamside meadows rejoice beneath the infinite blue skies as the cosmic wind scatters what little remains of my war-torn flesh.
The ultimate return.
Sloan Bashinsky liked by Poetic Outlaws
The poems below plot a journey I never heard or read of except in my own personal experiences, in spirit and on this world. Today, the two are inseparable: I live in both realms at the same time, awake and asleep. I sometimes describe myself as a donkey lured by a carrot and driven by a stick, headed to where he knows not. He has no choice but to head to wherever it is, because the consequences of revolt have proven over and over to be most unpleasant. You don’t want to know just how unpleasant it sometimes was following a revolt.Back from your road trip to where you met the Jedi?
In a world where a depraved presidential candidate
sells red, white and blue bibles
to suckers born every minute
to line his own pockets,
and his Roman Catholic opponent
keeps giving money and munitions
to one side of a religious freak war,
I sometimes wish I had renewed my passport,
but since I didn’t,
and even if I had,
Americans ain’t all that welcome
to live indefinitely elsewhere
like they once wuz,
at least not in Canada,
and since I have plenty of
demons running amok nearby
and within,
I’m left with,
or not,
to take yet another look
in the mirror on the wall,
old and ornery,
wondering why the fuck
I’m still here?
But since I am...
"Living Poets"
Dead poets are poets who never write
Who obey shoulds and oughts
Who live to please others
Who value money over God
Who die without ever having lived
Death is their mark
Dead poets are remembered by the living.
Living poets are remembered by time
Dead poets never sing their song
Living poets never stop singing it
The difference between the two is this:
One worships fear, the other life
To be a dead poet is hard
It requires being someone else
To be a living poet is easy
It only means being myself
One choice is hell, the other heaven
That is what is meant by free will
"The Mockingbird"
I happened upon a mockingbird
singing its fool head off –
I asked it how and why it sang?
But all it did was look ahead,
all it did was sing.
It never turned to see if I was watching,
or listened for money jingling in my pockets,
or asked if I liked its music,
or expected a recording contract –
It was too busy singing
to pay any attention to me.
Thus did I learn
the greatest sin of all
is to kill a mockingbird.
“Black Diamond, Yellow Rose”
Black Diamond, Yellow Rose,
Odd couple until inside I see,
Black Diamond protects Yellow Rose,
Yellow Rose loves Black Diamond,
Will and Heart,
Heart and Will,
Black Diamond, Yellow Rose
“Rainbow Fusion”
Black is white,
White is black,
When they fuse,
Rainbows bloom.
Rainbows know no master.
Fueled by Father Sun
They touch Misty Earth
Only Heaven knows where.
Rainbows are more shiny than silver
and more brilliant than gold,
More valuable than diamonds
and more precious than pearls.
Rainbows paint heavens beautiful,
Make angels sing.
Rainbows are you, and me,
Full spectrums of Infinity
blazing across Eternity.
Rainbows are now.
“God’s Gifts”
God’s gifts are not for sale, but are given freely to angels, saints, sinners, devils and fools alike, because all are God’s children.
“Crooked Hose”
He is but a crooked hose through which living water flows, first to straighten him out, then to water a few other birds of the air and some lilies of the field.”
“The Poet”
He is the paper, the ink his blood, the pen his soul, and the poet is God.”
Who invented the rule that poetry must rhyme, have pentameter, be cast into verse? Yes, who invented that really silly rule? Surely it wasn’t the maker of the first stone — otherwise there’d be no stones to break all those slaving rules!
“The Pearl”
He feels deep beauty in the dark pool from which his writings flow. She clings to him like fine silk, precious oil. She feels solid, compressed, like . . . a black pearl, growing from inside out, ever larger with each stroke of his pen, pushing her precious waters over her banks into his dreams and life.
“Rosa Mystica”
Rosa Mystica,
Sweet Mystery,
Bride of Christ,
Living Water
without which
God is dead
and there are no rainbows.
“Sacred Prism”
The sacred prism
through which souls are refracted
into their elemental parts,
Purified in Holy Fire,
The one-forged
and sent on their way
to not even God knows where,
Simply because they are all
Unique Emanations of God,
Evolving . . .
“Tree of Life”
The Tree of Life grows not
on the battleground of good and evil,
But in a quiet meadow
beneath a beautiful rainbow
that knows not right or wrong.
“Mission Nearly Impossible”
Only fools rush in
where angels fear to tread,
But if there were no fools,
Who’d lead the angels?
Shaman you now are.
Angels walk beside you
and call you their brother,
Even as you curse the heavens
for making you one who wields the lightning.
Be kind to your brothers and sisters,
But take no prisoners –
Kill them all in my name,
As I have killed you,
So you and they might live.
“Love and Truth”
Love without truth is weak,
Truth without love is harsh,
Two side of the same coin,
They live together,
Or die.
All fig leaves burn
All ugly seen
All pain loved
All truth beauty
All people one
All time now
“The World's Greatest Failure”
I know what it is
to love fully,
have my heart broken by death
and by loved ones’ rejections,
Over and over again,
So I can love even more.
I know what it is
to be engulfed in pain,
Awash in evil,
Terrified, enraged, despaired,
Believing God has again forsaken me,
Then be given the truth
that again makes me free
I know what it is
to doubt,
Be lost and wandering
time and time again,
Then be rescued yet again
and my faith grows deeper.
I know what it is
to blindly trust,
Then be destroyed by betrayed
time and time again,
Until I trust only God.
I know what it is
to have much
and be completely of this world,
Then have it all taken away
and be in the world but not of it.
I know what it is
to fail in this world,
And fail and fail and fail:
The world’s greatest failure,
I can serve only God.
I know what it is
to give and give and give and give;
I cannot stop giving
because giving is receiving.
I know what it is
to explain God
time after time after time again.
Something demands I keep explaining:
Maybe someone will listen,
Maybe me.“I AM A MAN”
I am a man.
I said,
I am a man!
What means it,
being a man?
A man is a warrior:
he lives by a code of honor,
his word is reliable,
his actions confirm his words,
his commitment is holiness,
his enemies are welcome at his hearth,
he fears but moves forward,
he cries and gets up again,
he hates but forgives,
he loves and let’s go,
he doubts but trusts God,
he’s a good friend,
he seeks resolutions,
he demands nothing,
he risks everything,
he regrets his mistakes,
he seeks to make amends,
he puts others’ welfare first,
he accepts apologies truly made,
he expects nothing back,
he lives ready to die,
he laughs when he “should” scream,
he screams when he “should” laugh,
he sings just because,
he shrugs off insults,
he learns from misfortune,
he cusses God for making him,
he wishes he was done,
he loves children and animals,
he relishes a woman’s scent,
he smiles when he’s content,
he knows God’s his master,
he walks in rainbows,
his garden is the world,
his way is nature,
he loves fishing,
his wife is his soul,
his food is life,
his pay is whatever he receives.
Yep, he’s crazy.
A calling to serve carries its own wisdom,
which legitimates both the calling and the serving
so that the two are one:
Only the one called to serve
can know this wisdom,
and for some who are called
the knowing comes easily,
while for others the knowing is a fiery baptism.
Each calling is different,
and while some callings can be declined,
others cannot,
and those whose calling is without repentance
know they are in it for the duration of the calling,
and while others may try to persuade them out of it,
the calling for ones such as these always prevails;
thus is it advised to all called for keeps
that they view their calling as a blessing
even when it seems at times to be a curse,
and that they try to reconcile the loss of their captain status
and allow the Spirit of God to man the helm of their ship
and be glad and willing crew members thereon,
knowing that all sailing ships of souls
need a crew as well as a captain
to maintain and navigate the ship through
seas of many tones, depths and flavors;
so consider each league sailed
as part of the overall journey
going to where the captain deigns to go
by using whatever winds and sea currents available
to navigate the ship to the experiences
this ship and crew need to have
in order to fulfill their calling and its wisdom
revealed by the journey of many leagues,
many known only to the ship and its crew,
all of whom come to know,
some sooner than others,
that once conscripted
there is no safe jumping ship.
"Bi Polar"
the world's favorite
mood disorder
the cause of all
human ails,
including wars,
if the demons aren't counted
bi polar disorder,
the destruction of the
south pole,
the feminine,
the north pole,
he ain't been
right in the head
since she's been gone
"Eve's Answer"
April Fool
Vexing Truth
Life is Poetry,
Poetry is Life,
There's no more to say,
but that would
make God
a really dull boy,
now wouldn't it,
Eve?So, Eve,
What say you?
After all,
You have been,
still are, blamed,
for everything that went wrong
with hu - MAN - i - ty.Well, do you really want to hear
what I gotta say?
Is this one of those
be careful what you ask for pregnancies?
Well, is it?
Probably, but say
what you wish -
I s'pect you need
to be heard.Heard?
Funny you mention ears.
Yes, ears.
Such important receptacles.
Yet filled with concrete,
shit, propaganda, beliefs,
certainties, well,
let's not leave out
should we?By the way,
where do ya
God came from?
Or, out of?And,
why do ya s'pose
I made Eve
in my own IMAGE?'Cause Adam was
so bored and dull -
so ... predictable
He was BORING!!!
the shit outta me!!!
That's why.
Shusssssh -
Don't go round quoting me on
any of that -
I've had quite enough of
the religious right
ta last me
the rest of forever
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