Friday, April 5, 2024

When are we ever not in church? And a bit more about queer people, Melchizedek, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Judas, Paul and dark and black nights of the soul not mentioned in Christendom

Melchizedek star

    Okay younguns, I know you don’t spend time in churches, and one of you is trans, whose father is Jewish and mother is 1/16 Jewish through my Polish great grandfather, and she converted to Judaism, so perhaps this email discussion about the God makes queer people, too post with a Jewish member of the club where I play duplicate bridge might interest you.


I do not think about the variety of nature in terms of religion and I do not think about life in terms of religion.  Religion is felt differently for all people.  Jews have no better tolerance than Christians,  for weird people.   I am a Jew.  I was brought up that there are only two sexes, women and men.  There were no weird people in my family until this generation but I always respected other religions and deviations of nature.  Nature always surprises us.   

I have a beautiful granddaughter who is not happy unless she is a boy.  I congratulate my son and his wife for generously helping and supporting their child to mature into a productive, healthy, loving and happy person.    

Every animal has a varieties.  Nature is changing life in every generation.  Thinking all life is tied to a book/the bible is weird to me.  Thinking bridge can be won by following guidelines is unthinkable. 

I wish you well.  I hope you and all other people can appreciate the diversity of life that keeps developing into a better version. 



Thanks, my trans grandchild’s mother married a Jewish man, whose father was one of my law professors  at Alabama law school. My daughter, 1/16 Jewish via my polish great grandfather,  converted to Judaism. They do not attend temple. Their church is wherever they are. Same for me.  



I like that last line.

“Their church is where they are.”

    Another member of the bridge club also responded to the God makes queer people, too post, and I wandered off into waters not found even in the most liberal Christian churches I once visited.


Along with Paul, modern scholars pretty much agree that King James was bisexual, if not homosexual. "NeverKingJamse-ers" insist that he was not only homosexual but flamboyantly so—and that he also believed Jesus and John The Baptist were lovers. The last belief is undoubtedly "an alternate fact" but I have always wondered why the New Testament doesn't mention Jesus's marital status. I assume he was married to Mary Magdalene, but why wasn't she identified as his wife at the cross? If he wasn't married, that, too, was certainly noteworthy.

To your point, in the words of a great American philosopher, "Why can't we all just get along?"

P.S. I assume you know that "God," in this case, Yahweh, originally had a wife, Asherah. She was more highly revered than her husband. Later Canaanite writers wrote her out of their traditions—probably to institutionalize patriarchy. 



First I heard that about King James, and first I heard Jesus and John the Baptist were lovers, and of Yahweh’s wife Ashera.

If Magdalene washed Jesus's feet with her hair and her tears, and she anointed his feet with sacred oil I imagine cost a pretty penny, what did she wash and anoint him with when they were in private?

Outside the tomb in the Gospels, Jesus told Magdalene to go to the men disciples, who were in hiding, and tell them she had seen him and he would be with them soon. He didn’t do things by happenstance. He wanted them to know how brave she was and how important to him she was.

If you have not done so, you might wish to read the book, Holy Blood Holy Grail about Jesus and Magdalene’s bloodline.

Maybe in 1991, my wife in Boulder, Colorado and I were reading in bed one night, and she stumbled across the word Melchizedek in what she was reading and asked me if I knew anything about Melchizedek, and I said I had read in Genesis that Abraham knew Melchizedek, an eternal being in human form, who was called the King of Salem. 

I asked her if she wanted me to try to get more information, and she said, yes, and I laid down my book and stretched out on my back and closed my eyes, and she began lightly stroking my chest, which we had learned would put me into a trance and I would receive information from somewhere, and in a little while I told her I felt something coming from very far away, and then this came slowly:

Melchizedek is a order of Angel

Melchizedek comes to a planet to prepare it to receive the Christ

Christ does not come to a planet without Melchizedek

Mary Magdalene was of the Order Melchizedek

I didn’t know it then, but that was the next step in my being captured by the Melchizedek Order and its ways, and it had not been a whole lot of fun up to them, and it got much more intense after that.

The Melchizedek Order was very much interested in attempting to restore the feminine (Eve) in me, which was severely damaged, and I was a really slow learner. I was stood before endless mirrors looking a myself; I was drilled and drilled and drilled with waiting, waiting, waiting, before I leaped, acted, spoke; and I was drilled and drilled and drilled in surrendering to the will of God by any named called, instead of trying impose my will on situations life brought my way. I’m still being driilled, and when I stray, I am spanked and redirected. 

In early 1999, I was called by a man I had not known long, who belonged to a pentecostal church in east  Birmingham. He said when he was praying that morning, God told him to tell Sloan to read the New Testament Letter to the Hebrews, which I then did. It’s about Melchizedek and the Melchizedek priesthood, in which it says Jesus is high priest. It is addressed to Jews, who had accepted Christ, but were returning to their old ways, because the going was so difficult. The anonymous author warns them of the peril of turning away from the cleansing of the Lord, and chides them that they should be teaching, they should be eating meat, but still are drinking milk, and to return to the discipline. 

My training ramped up considerably, and I understood it was the Melchizedek Order behind it. I read somewhere that Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran priests are ordained as priests forever after the Order Melchizedek, and Mormons have something similar, but what I was enduring was imposed from beyond the human realm and had nothing to do with churches of this world. I was told Mary Magdalene wrote Hebrews and she did not put her name on it because it was known that no man would give it any heed if a woman wrote it, especially her, I imagine :-).

I recently published at my grandfossil’s tales to his grandchildren blog a post entitled 

How the women could change everything on this male-fractured world pronto :-)


which can be opened by clicking on that link. I don’t imagine the “theology” in it will be taught in Christian churches any time soon, but I had some fun writing it.

My mentor-mentee playing partner came to me in a nap dream a little while ago, and she bid six diamonds. In my spirit code, diamonds represent the feminine, So, maybe I will share that post with some people in the bridge club.

Tuesday night, a gay member of our club came to me in a dream, driving a bus with lots of people in it, and that’s why I shared the God makes queer people, too post with him and some other people in the bridge club.

In my spirit code, 6 is the number for Melchizedek, and what today is called The Star of David is the Melchizedek NIL. 

     I wrote some more to that man and deleted it because I felt it might be too much for that occasion, but since you are my grandchildren, it’s part of my history. Here’s the regurgitated gist of it, for you to ponder.

    Judas also was of the Order Melchizedek. He, Magdalene and Jesus understood what was unfolding and they met secretly and discussed things. Judas was the only person Jesus trusted to betray him, and Judas was so distraught by Jesus being crucified that he killed himself. 

    In 1997, when I lived in Birmingham, I went into.a black night of the soul, which was far worse than a dark night of the soul I had experience for 4 years when I lived in Boulder, Colorado. In 1990, I had read about the dark night and the black night in Antonio T. de Nicholas’ book, St. John of the Cross: Alchemist of the Soul. In early 2001, I was told in my sleep by a voice I had heard a few times before, “With respect to St. John of the Cross, you haven’t seen anything yet.” I woke up, terrified. Shortly afterward, the 4-year dark night began.

    It lifted in June 1995, after I had 3 spontaneous visions in a few days' time. I may share those visions in a later post, because they are really important.

    The black night descended in1997, in two days' time. I felt like half my brain had died, I quit dreaming and having visions. I felt cut off from God, that God had abandoned me. 

    For 16 months, I plotted my suicide every morning for 4 hours, until I figured out how I would do it the next day: slit my wrists with my Swiss Army knife. Then, I relaxed and got through the day, knowing tomorrow I would end it. I never told anyone what I was doing for 4 hours every morning. I believe something much bigger than me kept me from doing it.

    During that horrible time, I heard in my sleep one night, “The reason you are having this experience is because you once were Judas.’ When I lived in Boulder, I had a strong sense that I had been Judas, but perhaps it was simply that I had betrayed Jesus many times in my life this time around. 

    During the black night, I met once a week with the head priest at my mother’s church, St. Luke’s Episcopal in the Crestline side of Mountain Brook, aka The Tiny Kingdom. I had been christened and confirmed in that church.

    I told the priest what I was told in my sleep, and he said, “That dream could not have come from God!” I asked how he could know that for sure? He said he could not know for sure. I asked him to please set that aside and tell me his take on Judas.

    The priest said Judas's mistake was killing himself, all the disciples had betrayed Jesus, and if Judas had not killed himself, God would have done great works through him. I looked the priest in the eye and said if Judas had not killed himself, maybe we’d never have heard of Paul? The priest looked like a deer caught in headlights.

    The black night began to lift when I separated from my 4th wife for whom attending church was very important. She was with me and the pastor of Southside Baptist Church, and our Sunday School teacher, the church in which my mother and my father were raised, when I convinced several younger gay men that Paul was gay and they would enjoy that Sunday school class, and they did, as described in the God makes queer people, too  post.

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      Ok, youngugs, ole Grandfossils' not sure how to wrap up all of these tales- perhaps I begin with something beautiful and raw from ...