Saturday, April 6, 2024

Something happened recently Baby Fossils that could prove in a court of law that God exists

Melchizedek star 

    Ok, younguns, I learned of something yesterday evening, which proved beyond any doubt that there is a God by any named called😎. 

    For the baby fossil among you specializing in civil rights law, your once practicing attorney grandpa says what you are about to read might be used as evidence in a court of law to prove God exists😎.

    Let me take you back to the waiting for the Lord to take me, the young have so much to look forward to.... post at your Grandfossil’s blogspot, in which I made the comment below under the Poetic Outlaws “Wait" post,

    A reader going by Snappyred commented, I responded, and he responded, and I told him about a younger friend, who is ailing horribly, and why, and how important he is to me.

    Around dawn’s early light today, someone named Vickie commented, and I told her what recently happened to my younger friend, which proved God exists😎.

Sloan Bashinsky.
Sloan’s Newletter

The young have so much to look forward to :-)
81+, waiting on the Lord to take me,
I wake up each morning
wondering why I’m still here?
I lie in bed
thinking about my dreams,
what do they mean about today?
I might do some low back and pelvis stretches,
I might not.
I crawl out of bed,
walk to the bathroom to pee, 
How long’s it been 
since I had a boner?
Before the 2000 covid 19 isolation prostate cancer radiation-
my urologist said the PSA count is terrific now,
he wants his patients die from
what other doctors can’t fix-
I said I call people like you
he laughed,
I laughed,
we decided he didn’t have to 
dilate my pee pee drain for a while longer,
excruciating pain,
so I could keep peeing.
the radiation created scar tissue,
narrowing the pee pee drain,
bladder cancer might get me first,
he mirthed,
I said I call people like you,
he laughed-
nothing about that when he and the X-ray doc
explained the risks of radiation v. surgery,
they kept me alive - 
my PSA was 22.
now it’s .02.
He prescribed generic Viagra
in case an opportunity came,
not yet,
don’t even know if the pill will work, 
he said he wanted to receive my ravings,
I said be careful what you ask for :-).
Radiation messed with my gut,
which had messed with me since it arrived,
in one day, age 26,
never the same again,
fuck me
Medicine impotent.
Psychiatry impotent.
Healers impotent.
Praying impotent.
Church impotent.
Meditation impotent.
Radionics helped for a few days,
then whatever was causing it
punished my gut something awful,
and I told the radionics guy 
to turn off his machine.
Some far out channeling folks prescribed
affirmations and postures,
Which helped
liked the radionics had helped,
until what was causing it 
punished my gut something awful
and I stopped doing the affirmations and postures.
A naturopath prescribed germanium,
and that really helped until
a terrible pneumonia arrived.
I tried that again, same result,
that’s how I figured out it was a God thing.
Fuck me.
It lifted on its own a couple of times,
then it returned.
Yeah, it was a God thing.
Now I’m taking magnesium supplement
recommended by a miracle healer psychical therapist,
as directed in a dream-
maybe God approved it,
I hope so,
because it’s helping some,
and the alternative is, 
feeling most of the time 
like cancer is eating my gut alive.
My legs numb from the thighs down.
Nothing can be done, 
the neurologist said.
My spine has been run over 
and mangled a few times,
So don’t fall down and hope I
will help you up-
I’ll be flat on my back,
my spine shrieking.
Ailing pets kindly put down,
I’m expected to outlive
their veterinarians and my doctors,
no matter what the cost or pain,
fuck me.
Ah, but each day
something happens
that causes me to feel 
I’m still still supposed to be here,
writing something, 
saying something,
experiencing something, 
of this world,
beyond this world,
which causes me to feel 
kinda ok, 
even as I wonder
why I’m still here?
Mother Fuckers
Headed now to see my internist,
a scientist,
6 month's check up,
I probably won't mention any of this 
to him :-)

Snappyred’s Substack

maybe you're still here to keep life in perspective for the rest of us. My own pain becomes nothing in the light of your suffering and I become thankful again, hopeful again and kinda ok.

Soan Bashinsky 
My best friend, a little over half my age, who does the tech work for my books at, a free internet library run by colleges in America, has several far more severe physical ailments than I, which medicine and very good doctors can only barely deal with, and the prognoses are awful. Some of it is genetics, some is diet and injuries. Some of it is injuries cause by hit men who left him for dead. I’m wondering how much more he can endure? If the way for him is to die young? I know from life experiences that angels can fix him somewhat, and I know that’s above my pay grade to know.   

You are one of his earthly angels. He is lucky and blessed in that respect. Suffering is very sad and certain things remain a mystery. We learn to carry on. Thanks for your reply and intro to 

Sloan Bashinsky
My friend had good paying jobs, which he lost because of his association with me, and I started paying him to do the tech work for my metaphysical books and for a podcast we do together, he is audio only, I can be seen. I’m wondering if the podcast will be winding down? Lately, its been getting about 300,000 complete watches per episode. We quit using YouTube and started launching into Torrent platforms where viewers are much more open to something different, with no advertising or soliciting. The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast.
He also had a good business as a mechanic, he could take apart and fix just about anything with wheels. His injuries and medical ended that for him. 
You might be asked if you are sure you want to open, which specializes in out of print books and authors who offer their books for free. People all over the world read books there. Thanks to my tech friend and AI programs, my metaphysical books at are read in 33 languages, at the rate of about 8-10 thousand complete reads per book per month. Far more reads than sales of my 3 consumer protection books carried by the Prentice-Hall division of Simon & Schuster in the mid-1980s. 

Vickie today
I was so incredibly touched by your words. If your words are true to you, I send you blessings and love. 

Sloan Bashinsky
Thank you, it’s all true, and much more, and blessings to you, also. 

Out of nowhere, a doctor showed up who seems able to repair enough of my younger friend’s injuries, so that he can continue on this plane, after my friend had dreamed his soul was leaving and an angel well known to him named Melchizedek showed up and teased him and said he wasn’t getting off that easy, and then the doctor had a dream that convinced him he must do all he can to help my friend, and the doctor told the hospital what had happened, and they reduced the cost$ 90%, and the procedures are scheduled very soon. Meanwhile, my long time ailing gut has felt some better since I posted what you replied to, and no doctor of this world has anything to do with that :-).

    Now while what I will tell you next might or might not be admissible as evidence in a court of law, it very definitely is admissible in God’s Court.

    Two of you baby fossils' father is Jewish, and his father was one of my favorite law professors at the University School of Law. 

    Your mother is 1/16th Jewish, via my Polish great grandfather, and she converted to Judaism.

     My lawyer and good friend in Key West, Sam Kaufman, who is a city commissioner, is Jewish. 

    Several years ago, Sam told me in his law office that it didn’t bother him that I talk about my dreams, because Jewish people believe dreams come from God.    

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only fools rush in where angels fear to tread poetry slam

      Ok, youngugs, ole Grandfossils' not sure how to wrap up all of these tales- perhaps I begin with something beautiful and raw from ...