Friday, March 8, 2024

state of the plagued union America

   It’s now March 10, 2023.

    In dreams last night, I was shown that I had missed the main point in the “state of the union plagued America” post, in that I was supposed to write it as an American trying to bring all Americans together, because we are Americans. So, this morning, I rewrote that post and just now I deleted the original post, which I now wonder if I should not have done, but it’s done and I don’t know how to resurrect it. Anyway, here is the new version.


    Last night, I watched President Biden’s state of the union message on CNN, which lasted around 70 minutes. I was transfixed by his focus, moving smoothly from one topic to another, speaking to bread and butter issues, calling out the Republicans before him, and their former president, like they were standing before a Gatling gun. Whatever I think about Biden as a person and his politics and philosophies, his cognitive function was splendid, and all of America and the entire world got to see it. 

     The looks on the faces of the Republican leader of the House of Representatives and all of the Republicans in the audience shrieked they were NOT HAPPY. Like it or not, willing to admit it or not, the fact is "Sleepy Joe Biden” is exponentially more mentally and emotionally stable than “very stable genius” Donald Trump. I felt the Republicans might need:

    This college economics major and former practicing attorney with a tax law degree, who worked for his father’s large Alabama corporation Golden Flake Snack Foods, Inc. and then as a practicing attorney represented regular people and small companies, smiled when Joe Biden reeled off statistics showing how well the American economy is doing, and when he said it’s high time rich people and corporations start paying the same proportional taxes that ordinary working men and women pay, and it's high time Americans start paying the same low prices for prescription drugs and medical care that people every where else in the world pay, and it’s high time Republicans stop threatening to reduce Social Security and gut Obamacare.

    I smiled when Biden said he will pass a federal law bringing Roe v. Wade back to life, but as a lawyer, I didn’t see how he will be able to do it with 6 religious conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court. I wished Biden would issue an Executive Order saying the Supreme Court was wrong for saying in Dobbs v. Jackson that American women had no historic right to abortion, thus it could not be a constitutional right, when Ben Franklin himself wrote in his book, The American Instructor, that American women in his day, and since antiquity, used herbs made by Mother Nature and/or God to prevent and terminate pregnancies, and he is ordering his Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Director to make abortion pills freely available at every FBI and DEA office and federal courthouse in the United States of America.

    When a man in the audience shrieked that his son was killed in Afghanistan because Biden pulled America out of Afghanistan, I wondered why that son’s father did not shriek about President George W. Bush and his Vice-President starting that rich white man for profit war, and President Barack Obama contining that war after accepting the Nobel Prize for peace, and President Trump contiuning that war, and that’s why his son was in Afghanistan in the first place? Those leaders knew how it went in Saigon after America pulled out of that rich white man for profit war. What were the father and his son thinking might happen if his son went to Afghanistan, which had proven a graveyard for American troops, and for Soviet Union troops before that, and for British troops before that?

    When Biden talked about the war in Gaza and having the Navy build a floating dock to receive American aid to the beleaguered people of Gaza, and he and his people were pushing hard for a ceasefire in Gaza, I wanted to tell him, “If you really wanted a ceasefire, why did you keep sending Israel money and arms after you saw Israel obliterating Gaza? Why aren’t you not spending that money to help Texas and other southern border states defend against the invasion from Mexico, and why aren’t you spending that money helping American cities deal with a flood of immigrants sent to them by Texas and other southern states?" 

   When Biden called out the Republicans for not passing his southern border defense bill before Congress, while criticizing him about the southern border, I wished he would bring home American troops from dangerous places to defend the southern border as peacefully as possible, and ban Americans and their money from going into Mexico, and ban people in America from sending money to Mexico- until Mexico stops the invasion into America.

    American cities are overwhelmed with having to take care of homeless immigrants, and that simply needs to stop. It is not America’s job to receive and take care of non-Americans, when so many Americans need help with just getting by. Donald Trump and the MAGAs and the Republicans are right about that.

    When Biden called for much stronger gun control and comprehensive background checks, I wished he would bring his troops home and use them and the national guards to defend America’s public schools from domestic terrorists aided and abetted by gun makers, the National Rifle Association and the United States Supreme Court.

    When Biden talked about all the work he has done helping bring electric cars and trucks and their several thousand pound batteries and  charging stations to America, I wondered where someone like me who lives in an apartment building with street parking will charge an electric car or truck? I wondered where Biden will put the several thousand pound toxic waste batteries after they wear out? I wondered why he has not allowed the automotive industry to use road-tested devices in the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, D.C., which can be installed in car and truck engines, which use electrolysis to pull hydrogen out of water to fuel internal combustion engines, which do not pollute the air, and a sedan can go several hundred miles on a gallon of water, and gasoline no longer will be a burdensome expense for most Americans, and while the oil industry will become a whole lot less important, maybe America can forget about the Middle East, because it no longer needs oil from there.

    When Biden talked about the covid shutdown of America, I remembered that he, the Democrats and the American medical industrial complex led the charge to discredit New York family practitioner physician Vladimir Zelenko’s cheap 5-day early stage infection cure, which would have allowed America to stay open and save America from Red China’s bioweapon. 

    After President Trump and Meadows received that letter, Dr. Zelenko was interviewed by Sean Hannity on his FOX show.

    Trump told Americans on National TV that hydroxychloroquine might be a miracle cure.


    Trump’s FDA director gave temporary emergency approval for hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19. 

    The Biden-Democrat-Medical-Industrial complex shrieked hydroxychloroquine killed people, even though for a long time hydroxychloroquine was used to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

    The FDA director rescinded permission to use hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19.

    From the website of Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Johnson:

April 10, 2020

Dear Mr. President:

We, the undersigned practicing physicians, urgently ask that you take two steps to help us treat patients according to our best ability and medical judgment, using the clinical and basic science data we already have on the effectiveness of certain established medicines in this war against COVID-19:

1. A Presidential Directive to remove the FDA Emergency Use Authorization restriction that states Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Chloroquine (CQ) from the Strategic National Stockpile, are only approved "for certain hospitalized patients,"  and to direct the FDA to include the option of early out-patient use of these medications.  

2. A Presidential Directive or Executive Order to a) prohibit Governors from arbitrarily restricting hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to only hospitalized patients, and b) prohibit State Medical Boards and State Pharmacy Boards from threats of disciplinary action (now occurring in multiple states) against doctors and pharmacists legally prescribing and dispensing HCQ and CQ off-label for early treatment or prophylaxis for COVID-19 in out-patients or at-risk or exposed persons. 

Restricting use to hospitalized patients means loss of the critical early window of opportunity to: (1) prevent the virus attaching to host cells, (2) reduce viral replication that prolongs time of infectivity and spread, (3) reduce the number of hospitalizations and need for intubation and mechanical ventilators, and (4) reduce risk of multi-organ damage and death or permanent lung impairment after recovery.    

Evidence of successful treatment in thousands of patients is accumulating from many countries as well as U.S. physicians; it is far beyond “anecdotal.”

HCQ has been FDA-approved for malaria since 1955, and it is now also approved for treating lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, with an impressive safety record.      

When World Health Organization and U.S. academic experts say there is “no evidence that any medicine can prevent or cure” COVID-19, they correctly mean that we don’t yet have a randomized, placebo-controlled, doubleblind clinical trial (RCT). But designing, setting up, conducting, and analyzing any RCT takes many months or years.

We can’t wait months for a completed RCT or a vaccine. People are dying every day. Staggering numbers of people have lost jobs, incomes, and ability to live life normally, all of which lead to loss of life that could quickly exceed losses from the virus.

Physicians taking care of patients in our communities across the country must be free to use the medicines at hand free of politicians and bureaucrats’ second-guessing and threats. It is unprecedented—and lethal—for state governors and medical boards to forbid physicians’ freedom to prescribe long-approved and safely used medications.    

In a war to save lives and our country, we must fight with all the weapons we have at hand.

   Instead of firing the FDA director and hiring a new FDA director, who would allow the use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin to treat Covid-19 in its early stage, very stable genius make America great again President Trump caved to the political pressure and launched Operation Warp Speed, which made some pharmaceutical companies a whole lot of money, while MAGAs and millions of other people all over America refused to be vaccinated, and hospitals all over America, including my home state Alabama, were flooded with dying Covid-19 patients, and people with other serious medical conditions were turned away by those hospitals. 

   The angels who run me and my tech friend Bob, who created The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast and gets my books into the free internet library,, very much liked Dr. Zelenko’s March 23, 2020 letter to President Bush and Mark Meadows.

    Those angels told Bob that Red China invented the bioweapon and was working on a vaccine, and the angels told me that it could not be allowed for Red China to have the weapon and the vaccine, so an angel caused the weapon to get loose to prevent Red China holding the rest of the world hostage.

    Dr. Zelenko was God’s doctor for Covid-19. 

    President Trump and Joe Biden and the Democrats and the medical-industrial complex screwed America when they threw God's cure under the bus. 

    A Trump fan who attended the January 6, 2020 rally, but did not go with the mob to assault the national capitol, Dr. Zelenko died on June 30, 2022.

    If you Google search Dr. Zelenko, you will find plenty to discredit him. But then, if you Google search Joe Biden and Donald Trump, you will find plenty to discredit them.

    The fate of Dr. Zelenko and his cheap, fast, early stage infection cure is one of many reasons why America needs a president and congressmen and federal judges who set aside their personal agendas and do what is best for rank and file Americans. The rich people in America need to go along with that, because it is the rank and file Americans who made them rich, unless they are trust fund babies whose parents were made rich by rank and file Americans.

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