Tuesday, February 27, 2024

some redneck mystic lawyer musings after Tsar Putin-Tucker Carlson interview


    Early on, The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast was banned in Russia and Belarus. After my friend Bob learned about the Torrent universe and started seeding our podcast episodes there, Torrent subscribers anywhere could watch our podcasts.

    By the time I saw Red Notice author Bill Browder interviewed this Sunday morning on CNN’s United States of Scandal. I had seen several news reports and commentaries on the death in prison of Russian political dissident Alexel Navaln, viewed by many as murder by Vladimir Putin.

    When I lived in Key West, a local lawyer I knew pretty well lemt me his copy of Red Notice, and told me to read it and find out what is really going on. So, I read it and came away even more convinced that Vladimir Putin was KGB through and through, cut from the mold of Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev.

    On CNN today, Browder said Putin needs to be stopped. I wondered how that might happen? Is Browder going to Russia to stop Putin? I wondered why Browder did not say what I was thinking? That Donald Trump intends to be like Putin, if he gets back in the White House. 

    Now why would I think such a hateful thing?

    How about I watched Trump on TV ask Russia to help him dig up dirt on Hillary Clinton in 2016.

    How about after Trump was sworn in as President in 2017, I watched him on TV talk about  Vladimir Putin being elected what appeared to be president for life of Russia, and he, Trump, liked that idea, president for life.

    How about I read numerous news reports last year and this year, in which Trump was quoted as saying he will get even with the people who falsely persecuted him, and he will pardon the January 6, 2020 insurrectionists.

    How about I’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb, or pretend like a sly like a fox not to know Donald Trump is possessed by a demon, which has infiltrated his lemmings, which happened to Adolph Hitler and his lemmings, and to Vladimir Putin and his lemmings, and is happening to Joe Biden and his lemmings.

    Oh, you say I can’t say that about Joe Biden? 


    Well, pretend you are a pastor I know.

    I told him yesterday that Joe Biden has helped Israel kill a lot of civilians in Gaza and is guilty of war crimes. The pastor said God is behind it. I said God has nothing to do with it. The pastor said God had the Israelites kill a lot of people in the Bible. I said that's in the Jewish Bible, the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, Jesus said he brought a new covenant, and Jesus never told anyone to kill anyone. The pastor said it is in the New Testament, too. I said he has not read his Bible.

    Right now, I'm watching Trump rail on CNN that the $355 million dollar fine against his company in New York, in a New York state court, is the end of democracy in America. Trump and the MAGAs, and the Republicans who stick with Trump, are the end of democracy in America.

    Joe Biden is an agent of the Devil in Gaza, and he has bat shit for brains about how his son Hunter got filthy rich in Ukraine, and about Israel and southern border immigration, but Bidn has not said, if reelected, he will be a dictator. He has not said, if reelected, he will get even. He has not said he likes Vladimir Putin. He has not said he likes the idea of being president for life.

    Biden won’t get my vote in 2024, but he is not a ticket to America’s version of Nazi Germany and Putin Russia.

    That said, I think all Americans, and all people anywhere, should watch Tucker Carlson’s interview of Vladimir Putin, regardless of how they view Carlson and/or Putin, in which Putin tells Carson that America needs a president who understands Russia better, ie. Donald Trump. 

    Here is a link for the interview. It’s a little over 2 hours.


    I think that everyone should watch the interview, because Putin isRussia today. Therefore, it is as important to know what he has to say, as it is important to know what Biden and Trump and the leader of China, Xi Jinping, have to say.

    Putin told Carlson that Russia and China share thousands of kilometers of common border. They are trading partners. In that way, they depend on each other. 

    Putin told Carlson that Russia’s economy is the largest economy in Europe. 5th behind China, America, India and Japan. 

    Russia has more nuclear weapons than America. Russia has hypersonic missiles, which America does not have. Russia has EMP weapons, which can disable American war plane, ship, ground vehicle and missile electronics, which America does not have. Russia’s hackers appear to be better than America’s hackers.

    If I were America’s president, I would have zoom discussions with Vladimir Putin once a month, if he would do it. I would have zoom discussions once a month with Xi , if he would do it. I would do that, because Russia and China can destroy America with nuclear weapons, which no other country can do yet, and  America can destroy Russia and China with nuclear weapons.

    After talking with other nation’s leaders, I would have dreams about them, and peopleI know would have dreams about those leaders, which provide me information about those leaders and guidance about how to deal further with them. If they would not talk with me, the same would happen.

    I would have that advantage over them. I know this, because I have dreams about everything which I get involved, and other people have dreams about that, too, which they share with me. Also, for a very long time, when there is something I don’t know about what I am involved in, sooner or later, I learn about it in some way or another. 

    About half of the interview is about Ukraine.

    Putin claims in interview to be a Christian. When Carlson asks Putin how he reconciles killing people in Ukraine with being a Christian, Putin says defending Russia comes first.  Sound’s pretty American, yes?

 Putin explains to Carlson the history of Ukraine and Russia’s relationship with Ukraine since around 800 A.D. Putin views much of Ukraine as part of Russia. Putin says Russia invaded in 2014 where Neo-Nazis in Russian-speaking Donbass Ukraine were mistreating Russian Ukrainians. 

    Putin says the 2014 uprising that saw former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich forced from office was the result of a “coup” orchestrated by the United States and supported by Washington’s European allies. 

    Putin says NATO agreed many years ago not to expand, and then it took in countries closer to Russia.

    Putin says Ukraine President Volodymyr  Zelenskyy’s delegation in Istanbul, Turkey was about to sign a peace agreement to end the current invasion of Ukraine and return some of the land Russia had taken, and Great Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, on behalf of President Biden, talked Zelensky out of it. Putin tells Carlson that agreement can still be implemented.

    Putin says NATO agreed many years ago not expand, and then NATO put bases closer to Russia.

    Putin tells Carlson that after the economic sanctions were imposed against Ukraine, the American dollar became a good bit less important in world commerce, because Russia was forced to pay more in rubles than in dollars.

    Neither Carlson or Putin talk about Russian rockets pounding Ukraine cities and killing and wounding lots of Ukrainian civilians, and Russian troops invading parts of eastern Ukraine having nothing to do with Donbass.

    Me, personally, I take what national leaders say with a grain of salt.

     It’s not in their nature to think as I think, because they have not had angels known in the Bible hard on their cases since early 1987. 

    I am not in their shoes, dealing with what they deal with, but if I were America’s president, I would deal with some things very differently than Joe Biden, Donald Trump and their predecessors.

    Regarding Ukraine, I would tell the leaders of Western Europe nations that Ukraine is their neighbor and it is on them whether or not to help Ukraine fight Russia, because NATO only comes to the aid of NATO members which have been attacked by a non-NATO country, and Ukraine is not a member of NATO. 

    My position has nothing to do with how I feel about Russia and Ukraine, or their leaders. What goes on between Ukraine and America is none of America’s business. I feel the same about China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, Israel and Islam.

    For way too long, America has used preserving “democracy” as an excuse to go to war in foreign countries, when the real reason is the religion of the American Empire is capitalism, and war makes the American military-industrial complex a great deal of money.

    When he was leaving the White House, President Eisenhower, who had been commander in chief of the Allied Command in defeating Adolph Hitler’s military in Western Europe, while Joseph Stalin's Russia was defeating Hitler’s military in Eastern Europe with America’s help, told Americans to beware of the military-industrial complex.

    What is not taught in American history courses is President Harry Truman wrote in his diary, which I saw in a Life magazine issue maybe in 2005, that he did not drop the A-bombs on Japan to defeat Japan, which was trying to surrender. He dropped the A-bombs to intimidate the Russians, and look at how that turned out.

     A palace on the Black Sea coast near Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. Sergei Kolesnikov and the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), led by Alexei Navalny, said the palace was built for President Vladimir Putin. On 30 January 2021, Arkady Rotenberg said he owned the palace.

    President for life.

    Donald Trump said he liked that idea.


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