Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Wavy Gravy endorses The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast on Canada public radio and the podcast is blacklisted by Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Austria and other European countries and Australia

    Recently, CBC, the Canadian version of America’s National Public Radio (NPR), interviewed Wavy Gravy (born Hugh Romney, no relation to Mitt), the founder of The Phurst Church of Fun, The Hog Farm, the longest existing commune to this day, The Church of the Cosmic Eagle, the Church of the Infinite Giggle, and Nobody For President, a beloved farm pig who had crossed over and was running from Pig Nirvana.

    Wavy Gravy told the CPR host that nobody is qualified to be America’s president, and the host said he could not say that, because it was hateful, and he said he just said it. 

    The host asked Wavy Gravy if he had found anyone out there to carry on the cultural activism he had inspired, such as Ivan Stang and J.R. Bob Dobbs' Church of the Sub Genius. Wavy Gravy named two podcasts, one of which was The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast. He said those two guys (Bob and me) may be viewed by some people as crazy, but what is considered sane is so insane, perhaps people should be listening to the crazy.  (Maybe a year and a half ago, Ivan Stang endorsed our podcast.)

    Wavy Gravy named two more podcasts, and as he was about to name a fifth podcast, the host said she had been advised that all of those podcasts contained potential hate speech and she terminated the interview.

    Bob, who does the tech work for and speaks but is not seen the podcasts, told me that he listened to the interview before the station took the interview off its website and warned that anyone who republished the interview would violate the Millennium Digital Copyright Act.

    The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast had a surge in watcher numbers. 

    I was reminded of this poem by a south Alabama amiga:

All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet? 
May my affectations always be understood.

    Around the time Wavy Gravy was interviewed by CBC, The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast YouTube channel was blacklisted in Canada, Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain and several other west Europe countries, and Australia for “hate speech”, because, Bob and I had discussed Donald Trump and MAGAs and Joe Biden being demonically possessed; we had discussed The Spear of Destiny, by Trevor Ravenscroft, which describes how a powerful demon infiltrated and enhanced Adolph Hitler and his inner Nazi Circle and much of the German population; I had proposed bringing home America’s troops to defend its southern border as peacefully as possible; and we had trolled and criticized the Australian political commentator Caitlin Johnstone, who subscribed to my Substack Newsletter and then invited me to subscribe to her Substack Newsletter, where I watched her repeatedly ignore Israel had responded to the October 7, 2023 Hamas raid how Hamas had hoped Israel would respond, so Israel would become a pariah state supported by America, which some of Islam views as the great Satan, which America sometimes is, but then, so is some of Islam.

    Links to the 2 podcasts before the one Bob and I did tonight about Wavy Gravy and our podcast being blacklisted.


The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Survey of Land Mine America and the Cost of Truth


Thank you Donald Trump for making America Dangerous to Disagree with You


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